This is why cards like Spirit Theoden are amazing, as he can lower the cost of Rohan allies, effectively cheapening your deck and making the abilities on the allies easier to pay for. This synergy of discarding allies is shared among the Tactics and Spirit sphere allies but can lead to a weakened board state in case you keep discarding allies. This could be done by triggering some abilities on the allies ( Escort from Edoras, Riddermark’s Finest) or be an ability when a certain ally left play ( Eomund, Eomer). During the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle, it quickly became apparent that Rohan was all about discarding allies from play. The Rohan synergy is special, as it was one of the very first synergies to exist in the game. Strangely enough, one of the more defensive Rohan allies, Hama, is in Spirit while he would be more fitting in the Leadership sphere. Leadership Mounts like Armoured Destrier are also great cards for any defensive hero. The Leadership heroes tend to focus on defence with heroes like Elfhelm and Erkenbrand. Leadership has also received a smattering of cards over the years, though the synergy of Leadership is not as strong as Tactics or Spirit. These two allies have the same kind of ability but shows that Spirit prioritises willpower over attack strength, where Tactics does the opposite. The mounts of Tactics Rohan have got to do with destroying enemies.Ī clear difference between Tactics and Spirit Rohan can be found in the two allies Escort from Edoras and the Riddermark Knight. Ever since we have gotten some strong attacking allies for Rohan as well as effects that increase attack strength for Rohan characters. Whilst Tactics Théoden allows Tactics to get a lot more willpower, it was Eomer who really started the introduction of Rohan to Tactics. Tactics Rohan cards have to do with more of the combat side of the game. Later in the game’s life, Spirit continued to focus on willpower, with characters like Rider of Rohan and Lothiriel. The mounts that can be found in the Spirit sphere for Rohan have got to do with readying questing characters, allowing them to both quest and do another effect. The Spirit version of Théoden helps in this regard. Spirit focusses more on getting some good, high willpower allies out for cheap. Spirit even gave us Nor Am I A Stranger that can grant the Rohan train to any hero. Spirit got a lot of love in the early life of the game with 2 heroes and a host of allies and events. Whilst Rohan has allies and even heroes in all 4 spheres of influence, Lore isn’t being focused upon by the game. The Flame of the West (Eowyn, Grimbold).The Treason of Saruman (Theoden, Herugrim, Hama, Helm! Helm!).Temple of the Deceived (Elfhelm, Ceorl, Deorwine).Voice of Isengard (Eomer, Firefoot, Westfold Outrider, Westfold Horse-breeder, Grima).The Morgul Vale (Theoden, Steed of the Mark, Spear of the Mark, Forth Eorlingas).All Shadows of Mirkwood Adventure Packs.Core Set (Theodred, Eowyn, Dunhere, Gleowine, Snowbourn Scout, Horseback Archer).Out of all the packs listed below, get the ones in bold first, as they contain the best Rohan cards or contain the most cards. By the end of the nineth cycle, the trait got some final additions for Spirit Rohan, including card draw and a very useful event. Tactics got started around the end of Against the Shadow/Begin Ringmaker, Leadership Rohan has gotten a card here and there thrown in, but no real focus was given to it in any particular cycle. Much of the first cycle was dedicated to Spirit Rohan, though the other spheres took some time to get rolling. This was even before the Dwarves started to pick up speed. Right out of the Core Set the Rohirrim stood out as one of the earliest decks to make around a single trait. The Line of Eorl endured and remained loyal to the Numenorians throughout the Third Age. The Rohirrim prefer mounted combat and love their horses as they would love their family. In return, the Rohirrim pledged their allegiance to Gondor and would ride to its aid in time of need. The Horse-lords of the West were given the land of Rohan as a gift from the Steward of Gondor after the Rohirrim helped Gondor during the Battle of the Fields of Celebrant.
It is to this day still being developed, with a lot of new cards and even new heroes being added to the mix. Over the years, as the card pool expanded, the trait has had a lot of focus during the times the narrative took place around the land of Rohan. The horse-lords of Middle Earth have been in the game since the very beginning, being one of the few traits with 3 heroes right out of the Core Set.